Updated Jan 1st, 2024

Updated Jan 1st, 2024

Sub Processors

Sub Processors

Sub Processors

As part of our commitment to transparency and compliance with data protection regulations, we disclose the third-party service providers (sub processors) that we use to process personal data on behalf of our customers. These sub processors assist us in delivering our services effectively and securely. We have contracts with each sub processor to ensure that they comply with our strict data protection requirements.

List of Sub processors

The table below lists the current sub processors we engage, along with their respective services and locations:

As part of our commitment to transparency and compliance with data protection regulations, we disclose the third-party service providers (sub processors) that we use to process personal data on behalf of our customers. These sub processors assist us in delivering our services effectively and securely. We have contracts with each sub processor to ensure that they comply with our strict data protection requirements.

List of Sub processors

The table below lists the current sub processors we engage, along with their respective services and locations:

As part of our commitment to transparency and compliance with data protection regulations, we disclose the third-party service providers (sub processors) that we use to process personal data on behalf of our customers. These sub processors assist us in delivering our services effectively and securely. We have contracts with each sub processor to ensure that they comply with our strict data protection requirements.

List of Sub processors

The table below lists the current sub processors we engage, along with their respective services and locations:

How We Select Sub processors

We carefully select our sub processors based on their ability to provide services that meet our high standards for data security, privacy, and reliability. We ensure that they comply with all applicable data protection regulations, including the GDPR where relevant.

Updates to Our Sub processor List

We regularly review and update our list of sub processors to ensure it remains accurate. Any significant changes, such as adding or replacing a sub processor, will be communicated to our customers in a timely manner.

If you have any questions or concerns about our sub processors, please feel free to contact us.